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We prefer long-term partnerships over short-term acquaintances, be it with customers or employees, partner companies, or their staff. Because our collections are not brought to life by machines, but by people. People who design, produce, and proudly wear our pieces. To do justice to these people, we work with partners who treat their workers with respect and share our values. 


of our suppliers have been audited.


of our suppliers are in the renewal phase of an audit or are awaiting an initial audit. 

Audit rate in relation to incoming goods volumes in the 2022-2023 financial year.

The key to a collaboration with Drykorn

We have defined binding codes of conduct for our employees and all partners. Our Supplier Code of Conduct defines the basic principles for working with us. Regardless of the country of production, all suppliers must meet the highest social and environmental standards. We check whether these principles are being adhered to by all producers through regular visits to production facilities as well as on-site inspections - known as audits - carried out by independent auditors. 



Relationship status: in a long-term commitment

We’re in for the long run. Especially when it comes to our supply chain partners: we have been building solid business relationships with many of our garment suppliers. Some of those partnerships are more than 10 years old by now. This enhances transparency and trust while enabling us to push our social standards and environmental requirements with specific and direct measures.

Production countries

Since our company was founded in 1996, the focus in production has been on Europe and Türkiye. In addition to social and ecological standards, we focus on resource-efficient production processes and short shipping routes when selecting our suppliers. We also rely on Asian and Tunisian producers in order to minimize dependency risks on individual countries and to be able to offer high quality at reasonable prices.

We are listening!

To provide a transparent and accessible point of contact to anyone, we established a whistleblower channel. This gives you as our customer, our employees, and anyone who is directly involved in or affected by our actions the opportunity to anonymously report any grievances, misconduct, or problems in relation to DRYKORN. The aim is to uncover any violations of laws or our principles, abolish them, and compensate potential victims.


Care material

Let's talk about Planet

Our actions have an impact on the planet. We therefore want to minimize our ecological footprint and take action to contribute to environmental protection.


Let's talk about Product.

Immense resource consumption, precarious working conditions, or the exploitation of animals - these are all problems of the fashion industry to which we belong. That's why we clearly position ourselves against fast fashion through our values and products.

we mind

Make it last

Our products are designed to last and to be loved by you for many years. Our care guides are here to help you treat your favorite DRYKORN products the right way.