Participation in the competition is only possible under the conditions listed here. By participating in the competition, the participant expressly accepts these conditions of participation. The organizer reserves the right to change, adapt or terminate the competition at any time without prior notice and without giving reasons. No claims can be derived from this.

Raffle - Instagram

The give away runs from 05/08/2024 and ends on 08/08/2024.


Persons 18 years of age and older are eligible to participate. Employees of DRYKORN, their relatives and the companies involved in the sweepstakes are excluded from participation.


 All you have to do is: 

- sign up to our newsletter through the following website

The winner must be 18 years old. Participation in the competition implies acceptance of these terms and conditions. The organizer reserves the right to exclude participants from the competition without giving reasons in the event of suspected manipulation, multiple entries or a breach of these conditions of participation. 


Three of you have the chance to win 2 Festival for the MS DOCKVILLE in Hamburg from 16-18th of August 2024

Determination of winnings

The prize draw will be carried out by the organizer. 

The winner will be determined among all participants in the above mentioned period. The winners will be notified by e-mail on 08th of August 2024.

If the winner does not respond within 24 hours after notification, the claim to the prize will be forfeited and a new winner will be selected. This new winner must also get back to us within 24 hours. The participants are responsible for the correctness of the contact data provided. If incorrect personal data is provided, the winner will be disqualified from the competition.



The organizer is not liable in any form for direct or indirect damages resulting from participation in the promotion, unless these are due to gross negligence or intentional acts for which the organizer is responsible. The above exclusions/limitations of liability do not apply in the event of culpable injury to life, limb or health, for liability claims under the Product Liability Act or in the event of fraudulent concealment.

By sending the image, video and/or text, you declare to be the owner of all necessary rights to the image/video/text posted by you. In this respect, we expressly point out to you that the publication of images/videos/texts on a website constitutes distribution within the meaning of copyright law. You are therefore only permitted to distribute such images/videos/texts if you are the author of the image/video/text or if the author has granted you the corresponding rights of use. You therefore undertake to send only such images/texts to which you own all rights required for this purpose and whose use and/or content neither violate legal regulations nor the rights of third parties.

If claims are made against Drykorn by a third party due to an alleged infringement of property rights on the basis of your photos/videos/sendings, we are entitled to delete these sendings immediately. Furthermore, in such a case, you are obligated to indemnify Drykorn from these claims upon first written request. Drykorn is not entitled to make any agreements with the third party - without your consent - in particular to conclude a settlement.


Data protection

You can object to the storage and use of your data at any time. To do so, please send a short e-mail to [email protected]. Upon request, DRYKORN Modevertriebs GmbH & Co. KG will provide each participant free of charge with information about all personal data that has been stored by him or her and will immediately destroy this data free of charge upon request. For this purpose, it is sufficient to send an informal message by e-mail or by postcard with sufficient postage to Drykorn Modevertriebs GmbH & Co. KG.

Exclusion of the legal process

The legal process is excluded.


Should individual provisions of these terms and conditions of participation be or become invalid, the legal validity of the remaining terms and conditions of participation shall not be affected. They shall be replaced by an appropriate provision that comes closest to the purpose of the invalid provisions.